Bachelor's Degree in

Project Management

The BA undergraduate program in Project Management consists of modules, which are designed to equip students with project management competencies relevant to the 21st century labor market including project initiation, planning and execution.

The BA degree in Project Management opens an exciting and wide employment opportunity including working as operations leader/manager, logistics leader/manager, project coordinator (manager, advisor, officer, support officer, administrator), office manager,  PA Manager, Business Analyst and Liason Officer.

Introduction to courses

Our comprehensive Project Management courses are designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of project management.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted, offering a progressive and comprehensive learning experience tailored to each year of study.


Our Project Management Courses are designed to provide a holistic and progressive learning journey, ensuring that students graduate with a robust skill set, practical experience, and the confidence to excel in the dynamic field of project management.

Join us as we pave the way for your success in this exciting and impactful discipline.

Kepler College also encourages its staff and students to carry out applied and relevant research in its focus areas including management, project management, business and business data analytics. We aim to leverage research in these areas to expand in parallel with the development of academic programs and impact communities through service and skills transfer. We also relish innovative collaborations to seek and carry out impactful actionable research and community services. We focus on leveraging a myriad of stakeholder engagements and collaborations to build research capacity for our staff and across other higher learning institutions. We measure our success in research and community service by the impact of our initiatives to tackle community problems and/or in empowering people to transform communities.