At Kepler College, our mission is to prepare young Africans with global competencies and the mindset to solve local challenges.

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 Kepler College is launching its second degree program; The Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics.  

Find out more about how to become a future business analyst in Rwanda and beyond

What’s unique about the Kepler College experience

Kepler College’s pedagogy is guided by a “learn by doing” model with a primary focus on equipping students with 21st century transferable skills to make them competitive in the Rwandan labor market and beyond

Blended learning with strong foundation in digital and communication skills

Dynamic career services

Extra support to refugee and marginalized communities

Ethical student financing options


Kepler College is an initiative launched by Kepler in 2022 to expand its impact on talented but economically disadvantaged young Africans by providing job-driven, competency-based higher education. It aims to equip learners with labor market-driven competencies and 21st-century skills, empowering them to pursue successful and rewarding careers.

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Of graduates find full-time employment or pursue further education within 6 months of graduation.

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The percentage of Kepler students who earned their AA within 2 years. Compare this to under 5% at community colleges in the United States.

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The increase in SNHU/Kepler students during the first four years


The number of students we plan to serve by 2022