
Kepler News

August 30, 2023

Admit Day: Kepler College Welcomes the Class of 2026

On Monday, Kepler College welcomed over 350 students and guardians to its campus in Kigali for Admit Day 2023, an event that marked the beginning of their academic journey. The event was designed to give the incoming class of 2026 and their families a sneak peek into the world of Kepler College – from its academic sessions, vibrant student life, comprehensive financial assistance programs, to the career pathways that await every graduate.


August 3, 2023

How Kepler College is Cultivating the Next Generation of Financially Savvy Leaders

On Friday, Kepler College held the annual Finance Day, where guest speakers from Bank of Kigali shared insights on financial literacy, inspiring students with real-life success stories of fiscal discipline, enabling them to make informed financial choices for a more stable future. Throughout the sessions, students learned about budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and gained tips on achieving financial security, building wealth, and achieving empowerment.


July 7, 2023

How Kepler College is Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry

On a bright Friday at Kepler College in Kigali, the annual Career Fair 2023 unfolded with a resounding success. The event, held on July 7th, served as a vibrant platform for students to explore potential career opportunities and connect with a diverse range of over 30 companies and organizations. Among the notable companies present were entities such as the World Food Programme (WFP), telecommunications giant MTN, digital services provider Irembo, and renowned brewery, SKOL.


April 18, 2023

Kepler Success Week 2023

Lifelong Skills for Successful Career Pathways Kepler fosters self-reliance and a positive attitude towards challenges to shape good leaders. Their competency-based model, using real-world case studies and projects, helps graduates succeed in the modern workforce with a 90% employment rate within six months of graduating. Kepler’s holistic education approach includes “Kepler Success Week”, a gateway […]


March 9, 2023

Holistic Education for Career Pathways

“The Kepler College environment makes you feel like the world is your oyster. It makes you feel like the future is yours and the labor market is eagerly waiting for you. Their learning model teaches you to independently master all your competencies.” Zulea Majune’s journey with Kepler College began as early as high school when […]


March 1, 2023

A Teacher’s Passion for Change, Harnessing the Power of Growth

A Teacher’s Passion for Change & Harnessing the Power of Growth “Kepler College is not only a place for students to learn, but also for instructors. Through Kepler College, I have the opportunity to be trained through performance sessions and other workshops. Having such opportunities helps me grow my values, attitudes and teaching methods.”   […]


February 8, 2023

Living the Essence of Learning by Doing: Samuel Masengesho

Living the Essence of Learning by Doing: Samuel Masengesho  “When I applied to Kepler College, it was a process that I did not take lightly. I diligently did my research and from there I realized that there was no other university in Rwanda that could offer me the experience I sought.”  Pursuing a degree in […]


September 20, 2022

Ombeni shares excitement for her journey at Kepler College and beyond

Ombeni Uwingeneye (Source: Kepler College) My name is Ombeni Uwingeneye, a high school graduate from Liquidnet High School at Agahozo Shalom Youth Village (ASYV) and I come from Karongi district. I first got to know about Kepler College from a friend and high schoolmate called Irankunda Diane, who is a Kepler student. However, I learned […]